Did you tell us what you think?

john durbin

John Durbin, Senior Business Development Manager at Temple Legal Protection

By John Durbin, Senior Business Development Manager at Legal Futures Associate Temple Legal Protection

At Temple we are constantly striving to improve on our market-leading products and services. With this in mind, at the beginning of 2024 we invited all of our personal injury and clinical negligence coverholders to take part in a short survey.

The findings are below

The intention of the survey was not only to find out what we do well but, more importantly, where we can improve. This is a key part of our ongoing commitment to finding out where we can make a real and genuine difference to our customers. The overarching message is that 98% of our coverholders remain satisfied or extremely satisfied with their overall experience of using Temple.

When we delved deeper into the results, we were delighted to find we had achieved a higher number of ‘extremely satisfied’ coverholders across ALL questions when compared with the same question set in 2023.

For a business that prides itself on customer satisfaction, this is extremely pleasing. We were also given areas where we can improve, and remedies are already being put in place to ensure this happens as soon as possible.

The main observations made were refinements to our online policy system such as improved ‘search’ bars to assist with overall functionality. When asked for any additional comments, the inevitable topic of Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC) was raised.

Temple continues to keep a watching brief on its much-delayed implementation, and we will work with all of our coverholders to ensure that our products align with any changes, but primarily continue to meet the needs of the new regime when it (eventually) comes in.

Finally, the survey also asked questions around what communication channels you would like to see from Temple. Without an obvious outlier, we’re pleased to say you will continue to see regular communications from Temple across all our social media channels, website updates and ‘Clinical Thinking’ articles – such as this!

Is there a topic you would like to hear more about from Temple? If yes, please send an email to john.durbin@temple-legal.co.uk or call 07917146290.


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