Private Client

Solicitor who certified LPAs “as a favour” is fined £6,000

26 October 2022

A criminal defence solicitor who said he certified two lasting powers of attorney “as a favour” for an elderly client has been fined £6,000 for failing to make the necessary checks.

Three key areas where trustees should question their financial adviser

14 September 2022

To help aid informed questioning, here are three key areas where trustees can consider questioning their financial adviser or asset manager, in relation to an investment recommendation for trust monies.

Modernising lasting powers of attorney: change is coming

17 August 2022

In 2007, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 introduced Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) which for the first time allowed a donor to appoint an attorney to make decisions both about their property and financial affairs, but also about their health and welfare.

Estate planning “agitator” aims to disrupt sector

12 August 2022

A new membership body for estate planning firms aims to disrupt the sector by providing a home for regulated and unregulated firms ranging from law firms and accountants to will writers and genealogists.

Fine for partner who failed to detail work on client files

19 July 2022

A partner who billed for her time ‘considering’ matters but did not detail in attendance notes what she had actually done has been fined by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Will invalidated after solicitor failed to check “delusional” client’s capacity

1 July 2022

The High Court has invalidated a will prepared by a solicitor who was aware of the client’s “paranoid delusions” but did not investigate whether they affected his testamentary capacity.

Accountancy body can finally exit legal services regulation

15 June 2022

The Legal Services Board has granted permission for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants to formally pull out of probate regulation, having refused it in January.

Electronic signatures instead of witnesses for LPAs stay on the table

20 May 2022

The government has refused to rule out replacing the witnessing of lasting powers of attorney with electronic signatures despite widespread opposition in a consultation.

Exclusive: Co-op Legal Services eyes £100m turnover in growth push

18 May 2022

Co-operative Legal Services – the poster child of the alternative business structure era – is planning major expansion over the next five years to become a £100m operation.

Specialist contentious probate law firm launches network and tech

11 February 2022

A fast-growing law firm specialising only in contentious probate is launching a network to support non-specialist firms later this month, to be followed by two tech products.

Wills and probate market tops £2bn with contentious work on the rise

4 February 2022

The value of the wills, trusts and probate market topped £2bn for the first time last year, with contentious work on the rise, and law firms’ grip on will-writing work continuing to slip.

Judge excoriates “reckless and quite possibly dishonest” solicitor

1 February 2022

The way a solicitor went about preparing a £100m will was “reckless and quite possibly dishonest”, the High Court ruled yesterday.

Immigration solicitor certified LPA without checking client’s capacity

26 January 2022

An immigration solicitor certified a lasting power of attorney for a walk-in client without checking his capacity, allowing the man’s son and attorney to misuse some of his money.

Accountancy body refused permission to exit probate regulation

25 January 2022

The Legal Services Board has refused to ‘de-designate’ an accountancy body as a probate regulator over concerns that its members are now practising unregulated.

Lawyers back Raab decision to extend remote witnessing of wills

12 January 2022

Lawyers have welcomed yesterday’s government’s decision to renew the temporary legislation allowing for the remote witnessing of wills for another two years.

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Keeping the conversation going beyond Pride Month

As I reflect on all the celebrations of Pride Month 2024, I ask myself why there remains hesitancy amongst LGBTQ+ staff members about when it comes to being open about their identity in the workplace.

Third-party managed accounts: Your key questions answered

The Solicitors Regulation Authority has given strong indications that it is headed towards greater restrictions on law firms when it comes to handling client money.

Understanding vicarious trauma in the legal workplace

Vicarious trauma can happen to anyone who works with clients who have experienced trauma such as domestic or other violence, child abuse, sexual assault, torture or being a refugee.