Consumer panel

Regulators “need to sustain” social welfare law training

15 February 2019

The government, legal regulators and others need to come together to ensure that the next generation of lawyers have the chance to study social welfare law or face even more ‘advice deserts’.

Panel questions future of underperforming regulator

23 January 2019

The position of the smaller legal regulators has been thrust into the spotlight, with the chair of the Legal Services Consumer Panel suggesting that one may be at risk of losing its right to regulate.

Consumer panel attacks BSB over price transparency

3 January 2019

Access to justice includes information about lawyers’ fees, the Legal Services Consumer Panel has told the Bar Standards Board. It also called for more focus on barristers’ communication skills.

LSB told to share responsibility after SRA Handbook decision

7 November 2018

The Legal Services Board has been told by its own consumer panel that it has to share the responsibility for ensuring that consumers do not suffer at the hands of solicitors working for unregulated firms.

LSB: Regulators making “good progress” on publishing prices

17 October 2018

The frontline regulators are making “very good progress” in improving price transparency, the Legal Services Board has said – but its consumer panel was far less impressed.

Conveyancing clients “not as satisfied as surveys suggest”

16 October 2018

A member of the Legal Services Consumer Panel has questioned the findings from its own research that showed consumer satisfaction with conveyancing is high.

Panel blasts ICAEW’s approach to probate prices

5 October 2018

The Legal Services Consumer Panel has strongly criticised the “insufficient” plans of the second largest probate regulator to introduce new requirements on publishing prices.

Consumer panel will tell government “uncomfortable truths” over legal aid

4 September 2018

The Legal Services Consumer Panel is ready to tell the government some “uncomfortable truths” about legal aid, its new chair has said. Legal aid was a “priority” for her tenure.

Exclusive: “Competition in law is fierce but not working for consumers”

3 September 2018

The fact that there is a lot of competition in the legal market does not mean it is working well for consumers, the chair of the Legal Services Consumers Panel has said.

Consumer satisfaction with lawyers reaches new high

1 August 2018

Consumers are happier with the service they receive from lawyers than any other time this decade, according to new research.

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Keeping the conversation going beyond Pride Month

As I reflect on all the celebrations of Pride Month 2024, I ask myself why there remains hesitancy amongst LGBTQ+ staff members about when it comes to being open about their identity in the workplace.

Third-party managed accounts: Your key questions answered

The Solicitors Regulation Authority has given strong indications that it is headed towards greater restrictions on law firms when it comes to handling client money.

Understanding vicarious trauma in the legal workplace

Vicarious trauma can happen to anyone who works with clients who have experienced trauma such as domestic or other violence, child abuse, sexual assault, torture or being a refugee.

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