
7 March 2024

Combatting discrimination caused by algorithms requires a uniform approach

As we see more and more decision-making responsibilities once entrusted solely to humans now delegated to automated systems, we are also observing a rise in algorithmic discrimination.

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5 March 2024

Motor claims market recovery stalls as volumes hit record low

January – the month that gave us Blue Monday, reportedly the most depressing day of the year – also brought more bad news for those in the RTA sector.

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28 February 2024

The path to partnership: Bridging the gender gap in law firms

The inaugural LSLA roundtable discussed the significant gender gap at partner level in law firms and what more can be done to increase the rate of progress.

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26 February 2024

Why private client solicitors should work with financial planners – and tell their clients

Ever since the SRA introduced the transparency rules in 2018, we have encouraged solicitors to not just embrace the regulations and the thinking behind them, but to go far beyond.

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22 February 2024

A paean to pupils and pupillage

To outsiders, it may seem that it’s our horsehair wigs and Victorian starched collars that are the most unusual thing about the barristers’ profession. I would actually suggest it’s our training.

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