Client care

Legal project management “needs common standards”

27 April 2020

Legal project management has received an unexpected boost from people working from home as a result of Covid-19 but law firms are keen on formal standards for it, according to a study.

Firms launches ‘will through a window’ service

30 March 2020

A law firm in Wiltshire is offering a ‘Wills through a window’ service as law firms look for ways to execute wills validly amidst a spike in demand due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Lawyers need to take ‘whole person’ approach to clients

26 February 2020

Law firms and other advisers are often organised so they only see a legal problem that needs to be resolved, rather than take a ‘whole person’ approach to clients, the head of a well-known legal charity has said.

Law firms failing miserably with client follow-ups

27 January 2020

Law firms are making follow-up calls to only 9% of the people that contact them, a mystery shopper survey has found, with conveyancing teams performing better than private client and debt recovery.

Survey: Law firms benefit from efforts to help disabled

15 October 2019

Solicitors’ firms that adjust the way they present information to disabled people – and make explicit how they can accommodate their needs – will see the business benefits, a major study has found.

Legal advice privilege “survives” company’s dissolution

7 October 2019

Legal advice privilege attaching to communications between a company and its lawyers survives the dissolution of the company, the Court of Appeal has ruled.

New clients put trust factors “way ahead of price”

3 October 2019

Reputation and trust remain more important to winning new business than price, despite the push for greater transparency, according to a massive client satisfaction survey.

One in three legal consumers using online services

30 July 2019

A third of consumers are now accessing legal services online while telephone-based services are declining, new research has found. However, the proportion shopping around is still relatively low.

Consumers like law firms that publish prices, survey finds

30 April 2019

A large majority (77%) of consumers are more likely to use law firms that publish their fees online, a major survey has found. A smaller majority (58%) would be prepared to use freelance solicitors.

Solicitor fails in libel claim over treatment of clients

17 April 2019

A solicitor has failed in a libel action against the consultant of another law firm over comments made about her and her practice on Facebook.

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Keeping the conversation going beyond Pride Month

As I reflect on all the celebrations of Pride Month 2024, I ask myself why there remains hesitancy amongst LGBTQ+ staff members about when it comes to being open about their identity in the workplace.

Third-party managed accounts: Your key questions answered

The Solicitors Regulation Authority has given strong indications that it is headed towards greater restrictions on law firms when it comes to handling client money.

Understanding vicarious trauma in the legal workplace

Vicarious trauma can happen to anyone who works with clients who have experienced trauma such as domestic or other violence, child abuse, sexual assault, torture or being a refugee.

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